Finished up this puzzle yesterday. It was not an easy puzzle to do. I kept having to refer to the picture on the box and sometimes I was just sure that a piece must belong to another puzzle. I do love putting puzzles together though, even when my back is aching from leaning over the table. I have another puzzle to do on New Year's Eve and then I am through with puzzles until next Christmas/New Years.
In roaming around Ravelry one day, I saw a pattern for a "potato chip" scarf. It is named "potato chip" because you supposedly cannot do just one. Clever. I am using some leftover yarn I had in my meager stash just to try out the pattern. It really should be done with a softer yarn. However, it is fun to knit, and occupies my hands while watching TV.
My New Year's To Do list (of craft projects) is long, long, long. Will this be the year I actually cross off every item on my list? I say YES. It is so easy to be optimistic around January 1st.
A cute puzzle! I want to get some and have my kids do them and then glue them down and frame them. There are some GORGEOUS ones out there :)
I agree with Vonna ... dynamite puzzle! I pulled out a Springbok to do but it's still in the box. Hmmmmmm - hard to assemble from inside the box!!!
I love the potato chip pattern ... I made one once and they are fun. You are just alive with energy these days for all sorts of creativity!!!
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