In my closet, back in the corner, tucked away where no one sees it, is a very dusty cardboard three-drawer container. Many a night as I drift off to sleep I ponder “What is in that three-drawer container?” Today I pulled it out, dust bunnies and all, and looked.
The top drawer contained shoulder pads. Hmmm. When did I last use these and when will I ever use them again? The other drawers were empty. I vacuumed up the dust bunnies and decided that this container might be useful at my card (paper crafts) area in the basement (Quilt Studio).
I’m in the mood to clean, purge, and organize. I should forewarn Goodwill that I will be coming with a carload of stuff!!!
The shoulder pad photo made me LOL. I had a drawer full of them too, but I THINK they're long gone. Guess I'd better go check :-) ... Yes, I think your shoes are probably ready for retirement - can you find another pair of them at a local store or online?
Still laughing,
Shoe shopping in our future???
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