Lindsay is my "sister". Years and years ago when Lindsay was just a young girl, I became close to her large family. Her mother lead the church choir and I played the organ. Every Wednesday night I had dinner at their home before going to choir practice. Conversation around the table was always lively and fun. Lindsay is the one who got me started quilting inspiring me with her abilities. She taught me how to use the rotary cutter and how to make connecting corners, and I was off and running. Lindsay hand quilts and is currently hand quilting a special quilt made by a 91 year old woman in our church.
She is a school teacher and is married with two children and a rescued greyhound dog. She and I worked on a quilt project with the youth of our church. We had them help sew together two crazy 9-patch Christmas quilts. Lindsay got one of them put together.
Then she finished up another crazy 9-patch for her sister.
Most of her time was spent working on a special wedding quilt - from cutting to making the blocks to assembling - a big job!
Here is the finished quilt top - ready for some fancy quilting in the big center blocks.
With only a few hours left, Lindsay quickly put this sweet little quilt together and will finish it with a beautiful scalloped border.
Every Christmas we take turns giving each other a quilting challenge. This year the challenge was to work with the youth at church and the two resulting Christmas quilts will be used by the youth as fund raisers. In addition, we are also making banners for each other.
Lindsay is a true blessing in my life.
I didn't know Lindsay introduced you to quilting Bonnie! And she certainly is a blessing!
This may be a simple quilt but it's so cute. I sure would like to see it with the scallops put on.
Your friend Lindsay looks like a lovely person.
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