Yesterday and today I worked on more blocks for the Come-on-a-my-house quilt - the last of the sawtooth star blocks. I'm happy with how they look.
Now I have 10 more house blocks to do. It is fun to make houses with crazy colors. How many folks have blue on one side of their house and a lime green door?
My favorite sawtooth star block is this one with the beautiful two-color flowered fabric in the center.
My favorite tree block is this one with a polka-dot tree against a polka-dot background.
When I was a little girl my mother allowed me to dress all by myself one day. As I came down the stairs my older sister cried, "Mom, you're not going to let her wear THAT, are you? She's got on a plaid skirt and a flowered blouse! It's awful."
At last, in my old age, as a quilter, I can happily put a plaid fabric with a flowered fabric, a polka-dot tree on a polka-dot sky, and a green door on a brown and blue house.
So there, sister of mine.
Bonnie, it takes more confidence to put dots with dashes me I know from where I speak. I love your quilts especially the green tree and the little person in the window on the other block. Who is she? Do you know her? LOL
I love this quilt!! Fun memories you report too - thanks for always sharing such neat stories. And that reminds me that I've been so remiss in saying how much I enjoyed meeting the retreat ladies on your blog! What a clever idea!!
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