Monday, May 17, 2010

05/17/10 - Food

Breakfast - toast with peanut butter.

Lunch - salad with red pepper and egg with a side of some of that boring macaroni salad made interesting by adding honey mustard.
For dessert I had sugar-free Jello and CoolWhip Free

Looks good all mixed up - and tastes good too.

For supper I decided to have this Healthy Choice Lobster ravioli. One small taste and I knew I couldn't eat any more. I did not like the taste at all, so it got thrown out and I went back to my freezer.

This Healthy Choice meal was my next choice. It was OK and I ate it, but I don't think I will ever purchase it again. It says Pineapple chicken, but it had more carrots and rice than anything else.

To add to the meal, I wanted something crunchy. I had these in the cupboard and gave them a try. They were rather bland and I decided they were not worth the calories. They went in the trash.

Next I tried these. They were a little better, but still not worth the calories as far as I was concerned. Out they went.
I feel like I have wasted a lot of money on food that got thrown out. Some of the healthier foods just don't excite my taste buds. I keep trying to find something low in calories, low in fat, and high in taste. Of all the crunchy type snacks, the Trader Joe's Veggie Sticks are by far my favorite. I guess I will just stay with that snack as it is better for me than my very favorite, potato chips!

For dessert I had a WW fudge bar.

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