Thursday, April 8, 2010

4/8/10 - Food

My dear WW Instructor cousin (LA) and my 30-minutes-on-the-treadmill-every-day cousin (MB) are constantly inspiring and encouraging me.

LA writes an email to her WW students and in the latest email she talks about exercise and how it "helps my mood, keeps me limber and burns a few calories". Her form of exercise is walking which she does every day, leisurely. She is the one that encouraged me to just walk around the block. She also said in her email that she needs to exercise (walk) in order to maintain her energy level. Did you notice that she only mentioned the positive points of exercise? Not a word of complaint or moaning or excuses. She really spoke what I needed to hear. Therefore, I got on the treadmill today and walked for a bit. A nice leisurely walk.
My treadmill is in the cool basement and faces the big TV (excuse the messy room) which is ideal conditions and should be used more regularly. Sigh.
There was nothing I wanted to watch on TV, so I perched my Kindle on the treadmill screen and started to walk. Remember, I never exercise, so this is a BIG step for me. I covered the time read-out with my Kindle book and set a goal of reading one chapter (long chapters). When I finished the chapter I hoped that I would have at least walked for five minutes which would be good for me. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had walked seventeen long minutes! WooHoo. I feel more fit already.
Food for the day -
Breakfast - toast with almond butter and half of a Navel orange.
Morning snack - about 5 or 6 almonds
Lunch - Egg salad sandwich, pickle slices, Trader Joes Veggie sticks, WW Fudge bar
Afternoon snack - the other half of the Navel orange and some almonds
Supper - stir fried veggies (carrots, onion, green beans, fire roasted peppers), some more Trader Joes veggie sticks, and a scoop of vanilla frozen yogurt with 1/4 cup of peach chunks on top.

After I finished supper I was full, yet I wanted more. I had a fight in my head over wanting to munch on something more - perhaps some Cheerios - or some Teddy Grahams. I wasn't hungry, I just wasn't ready to stop eating. I worried my way through this problem trying to understand and came to this conclusion: I was brought up to always be "doing" something and if I had to stop eating at that point, what would I do? Eating is a form of procrastination. I am "doing" something when I eat. I wasn't ready to get up from the table and do anything else. However, sanity prevailed and I resisted the temptation to raid the cupboard.

I will go to bed tonight happy that I managed a short time on the treadmill and managed to forgo overeating after supper.

Tomorrow I will tell you about a conversation I had today with the young woman who does my hair. It was surprising and encouraging and helpful.


Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

Bonnie that 17 minutes on the treadmill is TOTALLY IMPRESSIVE!!!! I am proud of you. Keep up the good work!!

LouAnn said...

AHA.....I love the "doing" and eating isn't doing, it's true......

MB said...

I love the Kindle on the treadmill!! I always listen to my podcasts on my iPod but I like the Kindle idea!!!