Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday fun

While spending too much time reading blogs today, I noticed that quite a few quilting blogs are working on blocks from The Farmer’s Wife Sampler Quilt book.  The first few blocks didn’t look all that hard to do, so I ambled down to my quilt studio, located the book, and put the accompanying CD in my computer.  I printed out the templates for the first two blocks and gathered some scraps together.

Fortunately I have plenty of scraps to make at least 10 of these quilts.  I counted my scraps last night and there are one jillion and 49.  Well, that count might not be completely accurate, but you get the idea.  I do not want for fabric.

Here is the result of my afternoon fun.


I decided to kind of follow the colors in the book so that I didn’t have to agonize over choices.  There are no promises here that I will do all the blocks or make this quilt, but I will have to admit I had a good time making these two blocks.

The templates made it very easy in spite of the fact that the first two pieces I sewed on backwards.  Quilter error!!!!  After that I paid attention.  Paying attention prevents quilter errors.  Did you know that?



Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

I like your blocks Bonnie...and reading blogs is so fun....lots of ideas and inspiration!! I have read about this book....AND now I want it!! I grew up on a farm in Iowa...oh yes I was a farm girl!!

Maureen and P.D. the Pet Dog said...

Hi Bonnie! This sounds like a wonderful idea!! I have that book too! Love your inspiration!