Following along with Judy’s UFO Challenge, I finished my May UFO (#2 from the list), titled Fall Tumbler
Binding -
….and backing.
Check out the other finishes shown on Judy’s blog.
Following along with Judy’s UFO Challenge, I finished my May UFO (#2 from the list), titled Fall Tumbler
Binding -
….and backing.
Check out the other finishes shown on Judy’s blog.
This quilt started out with 6-1/2 X 9-1/2 rectangles, then when I made a mistake cutting some of the rectangles, I had to add a strip down the center to make it 6-1/2. I liked the strip and re-did all the rectangles to include a strip down the middle, but again made a mistake and the 9-1/2 had to be cut down to 6-1/2 – scrappy squares. I just grabbed strips for the centers so they range in size from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2. Because I cut down the squares, the quilt wasn’t big enough so I added some plain squares.
For the border I picked out some old book fabric, added some spacers for interest and used some alphabet fabric for the corners.
It sure is different than what I started out to make, but I like the scrappy, busyness of this little quilt.
Now I need to pick out a backing and binding. And I should clean the quilt studio and organize the mess of scraps and work on binding for Moe and make some more Anita’s Arrowhead blocks and pull out a UFO to complete and…………umm……maybe I will just do some knitting tonight and put everything else off for another day.
One of the gals in my Bee group made several quilts using this block and the method to make this block titled Anita’s Arrowhead. It was featured in Quitmaker magazine and was a free download when I printed it.
I was very happy with the result and enjoyed the process of making the block. Some people are so clever and figure out an easy method to make a difficult looking block. Thanks Anita for sharing your expertise and thanks Gail for recommending it to our group.
There are some days when I just get overwhelmed with too much to do and what to do next.
My bedroom windows all have these kind of blinds and they all need dusting badly.
There is a pile of papers next to my computer that needs attention. (The yellow pad is for notes, the remote is the paper-weight, the prescription needs to be filled, the card needs to be mailed, there are checks to be mailed , and more bills to be paid.)
Then there are the hundreds of quilting, stitching, and knitting projects, not to mention cards I want to make. It would also be great if I had the initiative to start cleaning out unnecessary stuff of which there is much.
I’m feeling overwhelmed this Monday morning and am immobilized by so many choices. The clock tells me that it is almost time for lunch and that is the easiest decision of the day, so I will go fix my lunch and think about how to use my afternoon.
My niece brought me an adorable container of little pink roses to honor me on Mother’s Day.
At church, the young people passed out pink and white carnations to all the women.
And in my garden, the wonderful poppies decided to show off today.
Pink, white, orange and green………sounds like some wonderful colors for a quilt!
Two quilts for the guest room of my cousin and her husband.
Wonderful pictures by Christine.
The back of one of the quilts – pieced with Christmas fabrics, vegetable fabrics, and other big pieces in my stash.
All bound, folded, and ready to go. Yes, I made pillow cases too.
My mother’s flower-garden quilt, which she never finished. In the 70’s, I sent the quilt top to a church in California where a quilting group hand quilted it, with fluffy polyester batting.
Yes, I am in the shadow, so here is a close-up of me.
The fabric scraps are all from clothes my mother made. She sewed her own clothes, and clothes for my sister and me.
Those are REAL 30th’s fabrics!
A butterfly came for a visit. No nectar here little butterfly.
And lastly, another portrait picture……..
I had just come from the hairdresser where my natural color was restored!