Wednesday, January 9, 2013

There is always tomorrow…..

There were 20 items on my To Do list today and nine of them got crossed off.  That means that I will not make out a new list tomorrow, but just continue working on today’s list.

A good portion of the day was taken up with desk work – going through piles of mail, answering emails, writing notes, getting things ready for mailing, and making decisions.  Ugh.  Four more of those kinds of items are on my list for tomorrow.

I did take the time today to put the new border on my Riley Blake fabric quilt. (I need to come up with a name for this quilt.)  The dots were not to my liking, so I picked out a nice green that matches the fabric perfectly.

green border

And I am using the dot fabric as my binding.

polkadot binding

The binding has a lot of joins as the fabric was in a fat quarter grouping.  There were no long pieces.  The backing will get done tomorrow.


Tonight I relaxed again in my red chair and did some stitching.


I’m thoroughly enjoying stitching this piece, and using the overdyed thread.  I am not following the color suggestions and instead have chosen to do the entire piece in red and green.  It looks Christmasy and that is exactly what I want.



Unknown said...

Wow, checking nine things off your list is pretty darn impressive! (I'm ashamed to admit I don't even have a list, let alone anything checked off on one!).

I love seeing the progress on your two projects. Both beautiful!

Margaret said...

I do like the new border fabric. You did well to match the greens so precisely. Happy crossing off lists today too!

MB said...

A name for your quilt - what name does it want to be called? When you look at it, does it "speak"??? I'm not trying to be funny either - I really mean it. What does it say to you?