Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Getting organized in 2011 (Don't laugh)

As 2011 fast approaches, I am thinking about how I want to get myself organized.  It all starts with my desk/office area.  After seeing pictures in a few magazines of highly organized (and cute) desks, I am green with envy and determined to do something about my messes.

(Please note that the magazine pictures have NO wires showing, from the lamps or computers.  And most of the desks don't even have a computer on it.  Come on.........  get real.)

Here are pictures of my messy office. 

The wires.

The computer desk.

The auxiliary desk.

Under the auxiliary desk.

Today I spent several hours organizing the pictures on my computer.  There were 450 files of pictures to organize.  I have eliminated and re-organized 63 of those files and am up to the year 2006.  Digital pictures are mighty convenient, but keeping them organized is a daunting task.  (We won't even mention the boxes of unorganized printed pictures stored in my basement.)

I wrote out a LONG list of cleaning/organizing projects to occupy my time in 2011.  Will I ever have time to quilt or stitch or knit?  Yes I will.  I have also decided to carve out time each day for all my crafts.  

And now, since I don't have to do anything until 2011, I think I will go read a book.  

Please do not remind me of the list I made for 2010 - or the seven year goals I set back three (four?) years ago.

Ever optimistic.................

1 comment:

MB said...

Don't you dare get organized ... the guilt will drive me nuts!!!!