Monday, December 20, 2010

Tomato Soup

Well friends, it has been a while since I have posted to this blog.  'Tis the season of parties and luncheons - cookies and cakes - fudge and buffets - popcorn and peppermint ice cream.  Therefore, my eating smartly has suffered.

This morning I was fighting a bout of slight depression/sadness/blues, but determined to not let that mood ruin my day, I got dressed in my Christmas clothes for tonight's party.

A smart person would have waited to get dressed in their party clothes until AFTER eating tomato soup, but NO, I got dressed first.

This soup was leftover from last Thursday's luncheon and was made by a local gourmet restaurant.  Very good soup.  I was lucky to take some leftovers home.  So I put the soup in the microwave to warm up.  When the dinger dinged, I had a fleeting thought that I should probably get a hot pot holder.  But NO, I reached in with my bare hands to retrieve the bowl of soup.

You guessed it!  It spilled - all over the microwave oven, all over the counter, all over the floor, all over my clean  party clothes, and onto my right hand.  @#$%@#%@#%@#%@#$^&*& (hear me scream).  I raced over to the sink to rinse my burning hand in cold water, then frantically tried to wash out the soup from my Christmas turtleneck sweater and suede jacket.  And I cried.  A good long cry.

I cried for the spilled soup.  I cried for my stained clothes.  I cried for my burning hand.  I cried for all my laziness.  I cried for all the things I have not gotten done that I said I would do this December.  I cried because I was crying.

Then I ate my cooled down soup - what was leftover from the spill.  It was good, but certainly not worth all the drama.  That seems to be the story of my life.  Is all the food I ingest worth all the drama it creates?  Is my eating adventures worthy of a blog?  Is my struggle to lose weight so all fired important in the scheme of things?

Big sigh.  The Christmas blues have arrived I think.

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