Once I got the binding done on friend Lindsay’s second quilt,
it was time to do something different. Since I had lunch with my friend Brenda the other day, I have been itching to start a new counted cross-stitch project.
I am thoroughly enjoying stitching this little piece – all in one color. Weeks Dye Works, Turkish Red , #2266.
After sitting for such a long time I decided to head downstairs to my cutting table and get going on another few blocks from The Farmer’s Wife – blocks 5 & 6.
Block #5 – looks easy, right? Not that many seams. Confident that I could whip this baby up in no time, I proceeded and made every mistake possible. Rip, rip, rip. Block #6 went together without any problems except that as with all the other blocks, they do not come out to 6-1/2 unfinished. Every single block is a smidge off from the other blocks. If (and that is a BIG IF) I ever get to the place of putting this quilt together, the sashing is going to be very important in squaring up the blocks accurately.
Back to my red stitching…………..