Well now, I have not posted on this blog since December 20th. Guess why......
Yes, yes, the holidays attacked me and now it is time for a fresh new start. I have made lists upon lists of things I want to do, clean out, and accomplish in 2011 - and a list of habits I hope to incorporate. One of those habits is to eat sensibly.
Last year I worked on stopping when I was full, and I am pretty good at doing that. I even surprise myself sometimes at how natural that is becoming. (Maybe it is just age.) Tonight I put out a nice array of snacks for my New Year's Eve celebration (shrimp cocktail, pretzels, chips & dip) and could not finish anything at all. And that was even after skipping supper, so my ability to stop eating when I am full has pretty much become the normal for me.
What I need to work on in 2011 is eating more sensibly. That means planning meals and maybe even doing a little cooking - yikes. I want to incorporate more fruits and more water into my daily intake.
I know that I put on weight during the holidays. There were just too many parties, too many goodies, and too many fancy dinners. It was all good and I certainly enjoyed myself, but it easily adds weight to my body. Yes, I can add weight without blinking an eye - it is the losing weight that is hard.
However, I am optimistic about 2011. I plan on it being a good year.
Happy New Year to all..................
Keuntungan Menggunakan Jasa Taman Panggilan
5 years ago
1 comment:
I thought you might have quit your food blog ... as you can see, I check frequently for your entry. How cool it must feel to have the discipline of quitting when you are full accomplished. Congrats!! I think adding fruits makes sense. Lulu was telling me that she's never eaten so much fruit (it's free on the new WW plan) and she weighed in at an all time low! That little dickens!!! So here's to 2011 and all we'll do and learn and create and enjoy!!!
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