Monday, June 7, 2010

06/07/10 - Food

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise - something different for breakfast!
Yes, for breakfast I had cheese toast. I made my normal 2 pieces of toast (100 calories for 2), then put a slice of WW Swiss cheese on each slice of toast and microwaved them for 15 seconds. This was the breakfast I used to have when I was on the Diet Center diet. It is very filling and I enjoyed it - BUT - I missed my peanut butter!

Lunch - a nice salad with broccoli. Also had Wheat Thin crackers with WW cream cheese. For dessert I had a WW fudge bar.

Mid-afternoon snack - some TJs veggie sticks.

Supper was turkey smoked sausage, one small corn muffin, and a small container (60 calories) of apple sauce. I also had three yogurt pretzels.

So, what is a day without peanut butter? Terrible. I will have a glass of skim milk before bed and a small spoonful of peanut butter! Yeah.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I agree about the peanut butter. Mine goes on my bagel thin every morning and I would miss it if I could not have it!