Wednesday, June 16, 2010

06/16/10 - Food

Breakfast - toast with peanut butter, grapes

Lunch - salad with tuna fish, mini rye toasts with WW cream cheese.

Supper - Healthy Request pumpkin ravioli, bread, vanilla brulee rice Quakes.

Today I did not have much of an appetite. I only ate half of my salad and about 2/3 of the ravioli, AND I only had one piece of toast this morning. I'm not sick, but I am feeling terribly guilty that I have not moved about much today. No exercise and not much movement is not good at all. The only way I know to compensate for not burning calories is to eat less calories. This has to change. I think I need a Jillian in my life!

1 comment:

LouAnn said...

I found a new website called and it's real easy to navigate and figureout calories, etc.......