Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Exercise and walking are not activities I choose to do on any regular basis.  I enjoy the results and I enjoy how good I feel afterwards, so why don't I get up off my chair and move more?

Today I had some cousins visiting and I suggested we walk uptown for lunch.  It was an easy walk, the weather was cool but pleasant, and it was enjoyable looking at the houses along the way.  Of course I had company and good conversation to occupy my mind.

So why don't I walk uptown more often?  It feels good, I enjoy it, and it is good for me.   What is the problem?  

Could I have agoraphobia?  I thoroughly enjoy walking when I am with someone, but going outside to walk when I am by myself brings out all the ridiculous excuses I can possibly invent:

1.  Too hot.
2.  Too cold.
3.  Too sunny.
4.  I might be far from home and have to use the facilities.
5.  I might fall or twist my leg and not be able to get home.
6.  It might start to rain.
7.  I might not be dressed warmly enough, or lightly enough, depending on the time of year.
8.  If I decided to walk to the grocery, I would have to carry the bags home or use a cart and I don't want to drag anything with me.
9.  If I decided to walk to have lunch, I would have to bring a book or my Kindle along and then I would worry that the restaurants would be crowded and there would be no table for me and I would have to take the meal home and so I might as well eat at home.
10. I need to stay home and spend my time thinking up excuses.

See - it all makes perfect sense.  

(OK, I will try to fit in a short walk tomorrow and leave the excuses at home.)

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