Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cheap Food

There were some programs on TV about using coupons and about saving money at the grocery store.  Last week when I did some shopping I decided to purchase sale items and save a little money.  I bought things that were two for one and store brand items that were on sale.

Today for lunch I decided to have baked beans - one of the store brand items that I purchased last week. When I opened the can I was dismayed to see that the beans were quite watery and pale.  I warmed them up, took my first bite, and was further dismayed to discover the taste was terrible.  In fact, there was little "baked bean" taste and more of a bland taste with a little metallic flavor.  Yuck.  It went into the disposal.  

Fortunately I only purchased two cans of the baked beans and didn't waste that much money.  The only good thing was that it really turned me off and I ended up having nothing but a few pretzels for lunch.  

Hey, maybe that is the way to lose weight.  Buy cheap food, try to eat it and get turned off.

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