Sunday, April 4, 2010

4/4/10 - Food

This morning I was thrilled to see the low, low number when I tested my blood sugar. Yes, I am diabetic and a nice low number means I have been eating correctly. When you are diabetic you are not necessarily sick, so it is easy to ignore the warnings about eating correctly. Unfortunately, if you don't pay attention you can get into serious trouble, and I want to avoid that road if at all possible. So keeping that blood sugar number low is very important to me.

Today, being Easter Sunday, it was not easy to be smart with my food intake, but all in all I think I did a pretty good job. At the church brunch I did not have any of the sweetrolls or donuts or potatoes. I stuck with a small portion of an egg casserole, a small sausage patty and some fruit. I did have one piece of peanut butter toast at home early in the morning just to tide me over until the church breakfast.

The dinner I made for the family was not low calorie by any means, but I avoided the rolls, took a small portion of the casserole and small tastes from the relish tray, one deviled egg, and I did indulge in a piece of the cake my niece brought for dessert - a nice light angel-food cake with cool whip and fruit.

After dinner I made up packages of leftover food for everyone to take home and even packaged up the candy that decorated the center of the table for folks to take home. Now there are no temptations in my house!

Washing up the dishes and putting everything away took me time and energy so perhaps I burned off some of those extra calories from dinner.

Popcorn is a traditional Sunday night supper in our family and I had a 100 calorie bag for my snack supper along with some Weight Watcher whipped cream cheese (very good), some more of those All Bran crackers, and a small dish of natural applesauce from Trader Joes (also very good).
Truthfully, I did better today than I thought I would. I think it was that low blood sugar number this morning that kept me from giving in to large portions, second helpings, and high carb foods.

Also this morning I decided that I was not going to weigh myself all the time. On previous diets the big deal is weighing yourself, as if the number of pounds is the most important thing. The most important thing for me is health and fitting into my clothes. Getting on the scale and watching the agonizingly slow progress - or worse yet, the ups and downs - is too discouraging for me. The clothes will tell me when I have lost weight and the blood sugar numbers will tell me that I am making healthy choices.



LouAnn said...

"weigh" to go Bonnie......this is fantastic...and your markers of clothes and blood-sugar will tell the rock !!!

MB said...

What excellent self-control!! Sounds like you had plenty of enjoyment without the penalty of over-indulging. Also sounds like a wonderful gathering on West Wing!

I have to weigh in ... for me, I need that "marker". The number drives me nuts but progress toward the lower number does motivate me. Without the number I tease myself into thinking "you're ok, you can eat that, your pants felt loose this morning and the official weigh in isn't for days!" So I weigh daily - which is just the opposite of what most experts say is what to do. A week between weigh ins gives me too much "freedom". So all this proves that we each have to do what works for us ... success in this is a personalized approach.

Here's to us all! We all ROCK!

Sara said...

I agree with you, MB. I have to weigh daily. That is the ONLY way I can keep myself on track.

Bonnie, have you tried wearing a pedometer to see how many steps you are actually getting? It works for me!

Keep up the good work. I did not do so good with Easter dinner as you. A long week ahead to work it off.

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

Good for you Bonnie.... with the low blood sugar number!!! Your blood sugar number is a good gauge to how you are doing...keep up the good work!!! I can't stop myself from getting on the scale every morning!!!