Monday, May 10, 2010

05/10/10 - Food

Breakfast - Ezekiel bread with almond butter.

Mid-Morning - some crackers

Lunch - leftover green salad from Sunday and some Trader Joe's veggie sticks. For dessert some fresh strawberries with vanilla yogurt AND it wasn't crunchy so I sprinkled granola on top. Then I felt guilty because it was too much, however, it held off hunger until time for supper.

Supper - more of the leftover green salad, the leftover beef brisket, and a Skinny Cow ice cream.

Even though I look over what I ate today and see that it isn't too bad - not excessive overeating and minimal snacking...........still, I feel like I ate too much and that I'm not really learning how to stop when I'm full. There is that part of me from childhood that still thinks it is wasteful to throw out food, so I eat it instead. I know better. I know that finishing what is on my plate will not save starving children. I ate the final piece of beef brisket that I didn't need and could have easily thrown it out. I put yogurt on the strawberries and granola when I could have eaten the strawberries plain. My choices today were poor. Will writing about it help me tomorrow?

1 comment:

MB said...

Habits are strong and muscle memory is as well. It's just hard, hard, hard to stop eating, to pay attention to signals, to allow yourself to toss out food, to let go of old ways. Yes, writing will help and is helping. However you may want it to help in 'leaps and bounds' and that isn't how it's likely to work!! It helps in incremental ways and that's underway. Remember it may be the last key that opens the lock!!