Tuesday, May 18, 2010

05/18/10 - Food

Breakfast - toast slathered lightly with peanut butter and one egg scrambled

Lunch - lunch-meat sandwich, TJ's veggie sticks, and some Quaker Oats caramel corn rice cakes.

Snack - some almonds

Supper - a nice salad with chicken and red pepper, and a small portion of O'Brien potatoes. For dessert I had a WW ice cream.

It is time for me to go to bed, but I'm a little hungry so I think I will have a glass of skim milk and a couple more rice cakes.

1 comment:

LouAnn said...

Regarding yesterdays meal....Dump the "diet" and processed food...Ick...ick...ick......and if you want fish...go to Panera and get their new salmon salad.....see, I can solve your problems......